Monday, October 17, 2011


Being in love is mostly about hormones, but it often feels magically as though you're in heaven. It's wondrous. Then there is love based on true compatibility, deep liking and ongoing physical attraction. It isn't as giddy or euphoric and won't always feel like heaven, but actually it's about the nearest we get to Heaven on this Earth.

Love as though you've never been, or will be, hurt. It feels so different that you may be amazed to realize how guarded you've been up until this point. It's a natural reaction to think "If I don't let myself love I can't be hurt." In actual fact, preventing yourself from loving as fully as possible only hurts yourself.

We all need to love. It's quite true that there are no guarantees when it comes to love and you might get hurt, but you'll heal, too. So take the risk of loving. It's a part of being alive and part of your personal happiness.

I love you.. Weh? Hahahaha!

One word to describe me today: MALANDI!

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