Friday, February 4, 2011


Inquisitiveness is my dominant personality. It says:

You are an imaginative and curious person. You are excited to learn about the world.
You are interested in all sorts of topics. You like to understand history and how things work.

You are both a tinkerer and an intellectual. You probably enjoy working with your hands and more passive activities like reading.
You have many interests and hobbies... and you're always looking to take on a new one. 

While I am 91% creative:

You are an incredibly creative person. For you, there are no bounds or limits to your creativity.
Your next creation could be something very great... Or at least very cool!

My dominant thinking is exploring:

You thrive on the unknown and unpredictable. Novelty is your middle name.
You are a challenger. You tend to challenge common assumptions and beliefs.

An expert inventor and problem solver, you approach everything from new angles.
You show people how to question their models of the world. 

Hahaha, and I am very neuronic:

You get stressed out very easily even when your life is going well. It's sometimes difficult for you to cope.
You are a natural worrier, and you've probably struggled with anxiety for your whole life.

While being neurotic is difficult, don't let it add to your list of worries.
Try to embrace who you are and deal with it. Your moodiness is a part of who you are.

I chose an eye that's strikingly normal to me. And it says I am deep down sensitive:

You're the type of person who notices everything and forgets nothing. You are very in tune with the world.
You feel deeply, and sometimes the silliest things can effect you. You are easily brought to laughter or tears.

You don't show the world how fragile you are. You instead show people how insightful you can be.
You are good at anticipating what's going to happen in your life. You are often the first one to see what's coming. 

My personality is also very rare:

Your personality type is dreamy, romantic, elegant, and expressive.

Only about 5% of all people have your personality, including 6% of all women and 4% of all men
You are Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving. 

How to easily let me fall for someone:

You think that people make love too complicated, and what you want in a partner happens to be pretty simple.
You're content with someone who's nice, attractive, honest, and normal. So how come that's so hard to find?

You are fairly traditional, and you value security in relationships more than most people. It's important for you to find someone loyal.
When you find the right person, you don't expect much from him or her. You're just happy to be together. 

I am 30% left brained and 70% right brained:

The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning.
Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others.
If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic.
Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet.

The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility.
Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way.
If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art.
Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports. 

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