Monday, November 2, 2015


Dear Blog,

After I posted my sad entry earlier, I browsed my previous years' post and realized three things: (1) i always feel sad. Like it's my default emotion. Oh Sadness, where is Joy? I thought I need to be sad so I can find Joy? I imagine blue and yellow core memory and Joy trying to kick Sadness out of touching the crystal balls. (2) I find joy when I observe and make a list of my observations. And (3) when I blog about my travels.

What else? I browsed my bucketlist. And I smiled when I saw that there are items I need to cross out already. Like, getting a passport, and some other stuff. Yes, I have my passport already (finally! After 8 years of planning to get one, meron na din!) And I look forward to blog every little details of my "out of the country" trips next year. Lord help me. :-) i want every pages of my passport stamped! (Including visas)

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