Saturday, June 12, 2010


Ahaha, another day passed and I'm still not over with the idea of going back to school. I've been searching for an affordable and educationally competitive institution for the past months and yes, it's all a failure. Why? I say because I don't continue searching and I am still trying to kill the desire of learning on an institution cuz it will cost around a fortune. I know that this is not the right way to see things but hell, I am really fucking frustrated. But happy. :)

For some reasons, I am still happy. I don't know why. Or maybe, here are the things:
1. I work and my job does not really require an overwhelming stress
2. A salary that is really, really, really, really good! (Well, compared to the previous one)
3. My co-workers are really funny, professional and suppppperrrr mabait!

Oh well. There are always the "right job with the wrong people at the right time", wrong job with the right people at the right time" and "right job with the right people at the wrong time".

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