Wednesday, December 9, 2009


(Lifted from my Friendster blog)

March 17, 2009
How nga ba? Hmmm, let me start. My boss is not around, and I am super happy like a jackass! Hahahaha! I can use the internet 24/7 cuz I am a password hacker. I guess I'll answer some of the questions on the bulletin board saying I am super excited cuz I get to play around here ALL day!

Second, I dunno something's bothering me again. It's the booger! Hahaha! No, seriously...

I am currently having problems coming up with another design. Namental block ata ako. When you are serious with something, you tend to think a lot without proper execution. Cuz you want everything to be perfect. You think what they'll say, you think about the risks involved, you think just about anything! That's tiring. But you know what makes me excited about this? This is what I want. This is what I love doing. And I have two good friends supporting me cuz we share the same ideas. I came up with the design for FEU Booster Shirt.

So far, yan pa lang ang meron ako. plus the mock up design of the shirt. We're thinking not to include the copy from the front shirt cuz it will cost us a lot. We're thinking of replacing the front design with the back design.

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